Monday, January 24, 2011

Four, Four and we got more (food that is)

Day #4 and we have made more progress! Both babies got off their IV meds, which makes holding them a lot easier. The Doctor moved up both of their feeding amounts to 35mL. That may not seem like a lot, but we started at 5mL as our goal, so we have come a long way! Charlotte got to make the move to an open bed and is doing great regulating her body temperature.

A funny first: Micah changed both of their diapers (actually his first diaper EVER unassisted) for the first time yesterday. Charlotte and Beaux both decided to continue going to the bathroom during their change - hitting Micah with a double whammy  - had to change clothes, bedding, etc. Great first experience!

I was officially discharged from the hospital as a patient. We are now what you call "borders". We get to stay in the hospital for free for 7 days since the babies are not released yet. It basically means we have access to a room and can come and go as we please. So some freedom, like we went home for lunch, but still a ton of time spent at the Hospital.

Finally got their pictures done with their "Just Born" stickers - 4 days old

Micah burping Beaux

Charlotte in her new bed


DawgsRock said...

I am thrilled at all the good news and progress! I cannot wait to see you all!

M said...

So glad they are progressing so quickly! Can't wait until I get to hold them!

Stephanie Howell said...

erin, congratulations, i am so thrilled for your precious family. so glad you are sharing this amazing, unique journey. isn't it such a blessing? xxo

brookes said...

seriously, where are you getting all these hats? i heart them!

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